Tuscan flatbread with Extra Virgin Olive Oil I.G.P. and rosemary
The flatbread with Extra Virgin Olive Oil Toscano IGP is one of the oldest and traditional recipes of Tuscan cuisine. Crispy, fragrant and tasty, this focaccia is perfect to taste with a drizzle of oil and coarse salt. Its preparation, handed down since the Middle Ages, is simple but rich in taste, and since the Renaissance, Lorenzo de’ Medici was a great admirer.
For the dough:
- 250g of flour 0
- 250g of flour 00
- 300ml of warm water
- 15g fresh yeast for beer
- 2 tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil Tuscan I.G.P.
- 5g of salt
For the emulsion:
- 65ml of Extra Virgin Olive I.G.P.
- 65ml of warm water
- 25g of salt
1. Preparation of the dough
- Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl.
- Dissolve the yeast in a little lukewarm water and pour it into the center of the flours.
- Add the oil and the rest of the warm water.
- Mix until smooth and homogeneous.
- Grease the dough with a drizzle of extra virgin oil, cover with a cloth and leave to stand for 10 minutes.
2. First rise
- Grease the pan with a little extra virgin oil.
- Place the dough in the baking pan and cover.
- Let rise for 10 minutes.
3. Drawing the dough
- Spread the dough in the baking sheet with your fingertips, starting from the center.
- Let rise for another 20 minutes.
4. Formation of cavities
- Bucherellare leggermente la focaccia con i polpastrelli, esercitando una leggera pressione.
5. Preparation of the emulsion
- Mix in a bowl the warm water, extra virgin oil and salt.
6. Second fermentation and cooking
- Brush the cake with the prepared emulsion.
- Let rise for another 20 minutes.
- Preheat oven to 180°C (static).
- Bake and cook for about 30 minutes, until the focaccia is golden brown and crisp.
7. Finishing
- Remove the focaccia from the oven and sprinkle with a little coarse salt and some sprigs of fresh rosemary.
- Let cool before serving.
- The focaccia with extra virgin oil can be enjoyed as an appetizer, accompanied by cold cuts and cheeses.
- It is also perfect as a snack or side dish, with an extra drizzle of oil and a glass of Tuscan red wine.
Enjoy your meal!