Cookie Policy

Below in this Cookie Policy it is illustrated which types of cookies may be sent to your device by this website for selling extra virgin olive oil online and for what reasons we use cookies.

What is a cookie?

A cookie, also known as an HTTP cookie, web cookie or browser cookie, usually consists of a small amount of data sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser while a user is visiting a site via any device, be it a computer, notebook, tablet, smartphone or anything else that can access this website. When the user accesses the same site in the future, the data stored in the cookie can be retrieved from the site to communicate the user's previous activity to the site.
Cookies have been designed to be a reliable mechanism for websites in order to remember the status of the site or the activity that the user has carried out in the past. This may include clicks on particular buttons, logins or a report of the pages that have been visited by the user.
Other types of cookies perform essential functions on the modern web. Perhaps more significantly, authentication cookies are the most common method used by web servers to know if the user is logged in or not and with which account he is logged in. Without this mechanism, the website would not know whether to send a page containing confidential information or require the user to authenticate for access.

Types of cookies in use

The website uses the following types of cookies:

  • Technical cookies
  • Social media and third-party functionality cookies
  • Analytical cookies
  • Advertising cookies
Questi cookie utilizzati non sono proprietari, ma cookie di terze parti, stabiliti da altri siti web.
We do not directly use any profiling cookies.
Through our pages, profiling cookies may be generated by third parties.

Technical cookies

We use a number of cookies, which are strictly necessary to allow access to our website, to move between pages and use its features, as they are strictly connected to proper operation.
Technical cookies by their nature are exempt from the user's prior consent.

In order to register your choice regarding the use of cookies on our website, we use a cookie that is installed by the Cookies Enabler plugin. This cookie is used only to remember your choice to accept cookies on our website during navigation and future visits to our website.

Social media and third-party functionality cookies

We use a Facebook plugin. For more information on how Facebook uses these cookies, and if / when used, please visit the page

Also on our site, we use Google Maps, this tool is used to show you where we are geographically located by implementing a map. Any cookies are installed by Google. For more information on this, please visit

Analytical cookies

We use Google Analytics to track user visits to our website, we can see how many visitors land on our website, which pages they view, the geographical area from which they connect. The information collected remains anonymous and can only be used to help our website optimize and provide a better browsing experience for the user and the services offered. For more information and to see how Google uses these cookies, please visit the Google Privacy Policy at:
You can use the browser add-on to deactivate Google Analytics, more information on the tool at the page:

Advertising cookies

We host advertisements on our website and third-party cookies are used for this service. Our advertising partner is Google through AdSense and DoubleClick services. These cookies can help us see which advertisements users click and interact on.
No personal information is acquired.
Our partner uses cookies to show advertisements that it deems relevant to you and your interests. Third party advertisers and partners may analyze the data they collect about your use of the website to post advertisements on our website or on third party websites. Advertisers may also use information relating to your previous web activity to personalize the advertising that is shown on our website. Advertising cookies can also be used to track your responses to particular advertisements, which helps advertisers to ensure that you can see the most relevant advertisements in the future, both on our website and on third-party websites. For more information on how Google uses these cookies, please visit the Google Privacy Policy page at:
Google also provides a tool to opt out of interest-based ads on both Google and the web. For every detail, please visit the page:
We inform you that if you deactivate the ads through the link provided above, your choice will also be valid for any other website that uses the same system.

Consent to accept cookies

The cookie acceptance consent is given by scrolling, clicking on the cookie acceptance button, clicking on a link / image on the page.
The user who does not interact with the consent form and exits the information by closing it and continuing to browse this website, gives consent for all cookies.

How to control cookies?

Cookies are not used to save personal and financial information, you can delete the cookies at any time.
Cookies only allow our website to retrieve information to improve our website.
The most common web browsers allow the deletion of cookies either when desired by the user or automatically when the browser is closed.
It is also possible to configure the web browser to block the installation of cookies.

Below, for each of the most popular web browsers, we provide you with a link to the cookie deletion procedure.

Microsoft Internet Explorer:
Google Chrome:
Mozilla Firefox:
Apple Safari: Opera:

If you do not use any of the browsers listed above, select "cookies" in the relevant section of the browser guide used to find out where your cookie folder is or visit the pages for which we provide the relevant web address in the section below "Further information on cookies ".

Learn more about cookies

If you want more information about cookies in general and how to manage them, please visit the following websites: and

Final note

This cookie information page is visible through links on all pages of the website pursuant to art. 122 second paragraph of the Legislative Decree. 196/2003 and following the simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies published in the Official Gazette 126 of June 3, 2014 and related register of measures no. 229 of May 8, 2014.