
Il Bottaccio has as its primary business objective the production of only high quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
In order to achieve this goal, in the different stages of production (cultivation, fertilization, pruning, harvesting, pressing, storage, bottling and packaging), we carry out a scrupulous monitoring, so that the extra virgin olive oil maintains its peculiar characteristics unaltered throughout the supply chain. .
Irrigation systems in olive groves, annual pruning of plants, manual or semi-manual olive harvesting, pressing times no more than 8 hours from harvesting and cold pressing are some of the fundamental and necessary points to guarantee a high quality oil.
The interventions related to the different productive moments unfold in all seasons of the year so that from spring to winter we take care of the plants to favor their birth, growth and fruit harvest.

Biological agriculture

Bottaccio, in order to obtain an oil of excellence both for the particular cultivation techniques and for the taste and organoleptic characteristics, follows the disciplinary of organic agriculture.
The goal is the production of healthy and high quality food, absolutely free of chemical and synthetic substances, but also to safeguard the environment, maintain the fertility of the land and save energy.
Therefore, no chemical products (fertilizers, pesticides) are used but only organic fertilizers and a specific and strict production specification (European regulations) is followed.
The organic oil obtained from it contributes to a healthy diet without pesticide residues, respects the natural cycle of the olive tree, contributes to the natural restoration of the ecosystem, and everything is subjected to continuous checks by the certification bodies. .